sibyl's kins + favs carrd

click on the images to see my kins and fav characters!!


i dont know most kinning terms and i kin for fun; i dont really care about doubles and im not knee deep into kinnie stuff. i do heavily relate to the characters though

click on the pictures for their wikis!

favorite characters

i love these characters so much they're everything i want to be & i want to be their friend too

click on the pictures for their wikis!

also my comfort character is george from blackadder (the first two up there) and if you want to hear me ramble about him click the button below

george i love you

George is a supporting character who appeared in various adaptations of the BBC sitcom Blackadder, played by Hugh Laurie. Each series saw a different incarnation of the character, because each was set in a different period of history. He was most prominently featured in the third and fourth series. The character was added to the series as a replacement for the Lord Percy Percy character, who did not appear in the third instalment because Tim McInnerny, the actor playing him, feared being typecast.

The first incarnation of the character was a caricature of George, Prince of Wales, serving as one of the three main characters of the third series. The second, Lt. The Hon. George Colthurst St Barleigh, was a young officer in the British Army during World War I, a supporting protagonist in the fourth series. Both portrayals were of "dim-witted upper-class twits", who depended greatly on Edmund Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson).

ok so I LOVE GEORGE so much he is my favorite character ever and i would die for him (for real). i first found out about him when i was scouring pinterest for fop pictures and found him. i have been interested in blackadder since then and ever since i watched season 3 last february i have fallen in love with him. my favorite variation of george is prince george, aka the future king george iv, even though i FUCKING HATE IRL george iv. he is such a foppy old dumb stupid thickie fashionable naive dependant mf i love him and his single braincell. the second variation of george is in the 4th season, Lt. George Colthurst St. Barleigh, also stupid cheerful and naive. george has more roles in s4 and i love s4 george. especially when he became georgina aargahrghaghagha i love george so much,,,,, my favorite episodes with him in it are the entirety of s3 but mainly s3e2 "ink and incapability" and s3e3 "nob and nobility" (WHEN HE FAILED TO PUT ON TROUSERS FOR A WEEK!! My himbo,,) and s3e4 sense and senility, and for s4 i love s4e2 "corporal punishment", s4e3 "major star", and s4e5 "general hospital"

he is such a himbo. my himbo i would die for him he is a ray of sunshine

Both Prince George and Lt. George are portrayed as dim-witted "upper class twits". The son of King George III, Prince George is represented as a childish, spoiled, bumbling fool who spends money extravagantly (especially on impressive trousers and socks). Lieutenant George, stationed in the trenches of World War I, retains his enthusiastic naiveté, despite being stuck in the trenches for three years, revealing a lack of awareness of the seriousness of his circumstances.

Both men are portrayed as very incompetent, in "Nob and Nobility", it takes Prince George a week to put on a pair of trousers by himself, eventually putting them on his head. George relies heavily on his butler, Mr. E. Blackadder, even while Blackadder despises George for his stupidity. While George is considered "moronic" and "idiotic", as well as completely self-absorbed, he is helpful and loyal, and is aware he is not very intelligent, describing himself as "thick as a whale omelette".

so i guess we notice a recurring theme in my favorite characters. they are often:
unaware of their surroundings

in short i love fops
george mean so much to me he is so likeable and every scene he is in manages to make me go AAAAAH (in a good way). his stupidity, the way he has no care in the world but to have fun and/or fashion, muah muah muah i love him. i love his happy-go-lucky attitude and whenever he says something like hurrah bravo huzzah tally-ho or neat-o or something my heart (again) goes AAAAAAAH. he is so precious muah muah muah my beloved comfort character. every time i am cross i take deep breaths and think of george.

i think this reflects what the kind of person i want in my life. desperately need a naive happy go lucky himbo and/or bimbo or anyone really idc. his silliness makes me go AAAAAAh. same goes with percy and baldrick and vince since 2 of them inhabit almost the same personality as george (fun fact george was originally conceived as a reincarnation of lord percy)

i love yuo george

a more recent reincarnation of george is his modern 1999 self that is Lt. The Hon. George Bufton-Tufton which has less role than the other two but i love him equally only complaint is that he isnt a twink bisexual himbo.

also i read in wikipedia that there was a scrapped idea for a 5th blackadder season where it's a 1960's rock band and george plays the keyboard and im SO SAD IT GOT SCRAPPED :(((((((.

george shrine

i think i want to include my favorite george quotes but im lazy so thats for later

anywaysthats all the rambling for my himbo fop man ily george